Starting a Family
Disadvantages in starting a family
The main intention of the WG2 members is to identify adverse circumstances that might have an impact on family formation in terms of timing and the realization of fertility intentions. Accordingly, members will be focusing on the most dominant contextual factors from multi-disciplinary and cross-country perspectives.
Furthermore, objective of this WG is to analyse evidence and facilitate debate on the vulnerable groups in family formation ages, to identify gaps in research and potential new avenues of research.
This will detail:
- determinants of childlessness and one-child families, discrepancies between wanted family sizes and realized ones;
- factors associated with difficulties in family formation and
- gaps in policies to overcome the disadvantages in family formation.
WG2 online meeting held on 12th May 2021 at 11:00 AM via ZOOM
First of all, please check the following links about the publisher:
– As abstracts are not a necessary part of the chapters, the existing ones will be erased before sending to the proofreader;
– The final versions of the reports will be sent for proofreading – today, I had an online meeting with the proofreader;
– The procedure: if there are substantial changes in terms of rewording or some strange phrases, we need to return the paper to the authors for authorising.
– The titles: in previous edited volume each chapter has its own title; once the edited reports are sent back for authorisation, the authors will be asked to put some title, for instance: Socioeconomic Challenges of Family Formation in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Major Issues (see examples of the previous edited volume after opening the link).
– The Macedonian report still needs major changes, as the slightly improved version is, unfortunately, not acceptable for publishing. I will notify the authors about it.
– Without the Macedonian report, we are going to have 11 national reports in total (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta Portugal, and Serbia)
PAY ATTENTION – Deadline of the final version: by mid of June;
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Political Sciences, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Prof. Tali HEIMAN
Open University, Raanana, Israel